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Schrick Online-Shop

Our high-performance engine components

Our tuning and motorsport range extends from camshafts to cam followers, valves and valve blanks, valve springs and valve spring retainers, their accessories to performance-enhancing special products.
Our products are components for the entire valve train of your engines, developed down to the smallest detail and thought out by Schrick engineers. These components range from small performance enhancements for series applications, engine optimisations and tuning to racing solutions from national amateur sports series to international GT classes, NASCAR and Formula 1. This makes Schrick one of the most important partners for the entire automotive and racing industry when it comes to the valve train.

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Our recommendations

2 available
No: 0350E1561-V0 VW | 16V | 256° | | intake- camshaft | 0350E1561-V0
camshaft / Nockenwelle VW 4 Zyl, 4Vent, 1,4-1,6 Rollenhebel variabel

3 available
No: 0473E1921-L0 BMW | S85 | 292° | left | intake- camshaft | 0473E1921-L0
camshaft / Nockenwelle BMW S85 V 10 Zyl, 4 Vent,

Currently not on stock.
Currently not on stock.
3 available
No: 001301240-01 VW | Schlepphebel Polo | 324° | | intake- and exhaust- camshaft | 001301240-01
camshaft / Nockenwelle mech. VW 0,9-1,3 Schlepphebel

7 available
No: 001401721-03 VW | EA 827 | 272° | asymetrical | intake- and exhaust- camshaft | 001401721-03
camshaft / Nockenwelle VW 827 4Zyl. 2Vent. 1,5-2,0L

11 available
No: 001401681-01 VW | EA 827 | 268° | | intake- and exhaust- camshaft | 001401681-01
camshaft / Nockenwelle VW 827 4Zyl, 2Vent, 1,5-2,0L

Currently not on stock.
5 available
No: 001401200-01 VW | EA 827 | 320° | Conversion to mechanical | intake- and exhaust- camshaft | 001401200-01
camshaft / Nockenwelle VW 827 4Zyl, 2Vent, 1,5-2,0L

Currently not on stock.
No: 0220E1601-02 VW | 16v | 260° | | intake- camshaft | 0220E1601-02
camshaft / Nockenwelle VW 4Zyl, 4Vent, 1,8-2,0L
